Interpreting between International Sign and English

Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal | Einzelmodul

Standort & Durchführung

Magdeburg, Präsenz


1 Semester

Credits & Zeitaufwand

5 Credits, 50 Stunden Präsenz



This module builds upon the skills in International Sign (IS) students developed in modules 2.1 and 3.1 and further draws on the skills developed as part of the Developing Reflective Practice strand in modules 2.2, 3.2 and 4.2. Conference interpreting is introduced as a relevant context for the application of skills in IS. Students will practise interpreting between English and IS in conference settings at entry level and will explore IS interpreting practices in community settings. The course exploits the existing knowledge and skills of students and their actual experience as practitioners and professionals with the aim of providing students with knowledge and skills in interpreting between IS and English. The module focuses on the application of interpreting theories to the practice of interpreting between English and IS.

Typ & Kategorie

Modul, Einzelmodul


ohne Abschluss


Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal


Kerstin Tänzer

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