Interpreting and Translation Studies

Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal | Einzelmodul

Standort & Durchführung

Magdeburg, Präsenz


1 Semester

Credits & Zeitaufwand

10 Credits, 35 Stunden Präsenz



This module has two parts:

Part A: Interpreting and Translation Studies

Building on students’ existing knowledge and in preparation for the research modules 4.2 and 5, the aim of this module is to provide students with an overview and an enhanced understanding of theoretical issues in Translation and Interpreting Studies (T&IS). Students will develop an awareness of the development of the field of T&IS and an advanced knowledge of selected influential studies of the discipline, as well as the ability to critically reflect on existing research in discussions and written texts. Students will be expected to express their theoretical understanding and demonstrate their ability to critique academic theories in the form of a written essay according to appropriate academic standards. They will be further expected to communicate their ideas and give constructive feedback in peer groups. Overall, this module will prepare students to have the theoretical knowledge to produce further work at an academic level.

Part B: Developing Reflective Practice I

The aim of this strand, Developing Reflective Practice, is for students to improve and deepen their self-reflection skills. By increasing self-reflection, students will also improve their self-awareness and the ability to regulate their behaviour in interpreting practice. This strand is centred on the need for practitioners to maintain professional integrity in their work decisions that are in line with broader theories from the field of professional ethics. The particular aim of this course is to introduce students to the applicable theories both within and outside of interpreting and to begin to apply them in their current practice as interpreters. This course begins this discussion with a critique of various ethical codes.

Part B will be continued in module 3.2 and module 4.2.

Typ & Kategorie

Modul, Einzelmodul


ohne Abschluss


Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal


Kerstin Tänzer

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